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Karrierünk értékelése

Kiváló lehetőség nyílik ezekben a napokban, hetekben, hogy egy kicsit elmélkedjünk az eddigi karrierünkről, pályafutásunkról. Ha pedig éppen most állsz a váltás előtt, akkor különösképpen fontos lehet áttekinteni eddigi szakmai tevékenységedet.

Ebben lesz segítségedre Bill Sanderson, aki 12 egyszerű eldöntendő kérdést tesz fel Neked, majd a teszt végén rövid útmutatást ad, hogy hol tartasz most a karriered következő, új lépcsőfokára való lépésed megtételében.

Lássuk a 12 pontot:

1. Have you reflected back on your Professional wheel of life and started to tackle some of the action points you set yourself ?

2. Have you taken a deeper look at your career mapping and started to make a plan ?

3. Maybe a personal development plan to plug the gaps in your knowledge and experience ?

4. Have you carried out a personal review or asked your boss to carry out an official appraisal ?

5. Have you taken time to review your qualifications to see if they are fit for today’s work environment ?

6. Have you identified a mentor and asked for advice ?

7. Have you joined a new association or volunteered in an area that will help your knowledge and profile ?

8. Have you updated your CV, or better still started to create a professional portfolio ?

9. Have you checked your online profile is ‘clean’ and stated using social media to your professional advantage ?

10. Have you got to know yourself better and taken the ‘Strengths finder’ profiler ?

11. Have you ‘tapped’ up any recruiters so they really know who you are and what you are capable of ?

12. Have you put pen to paper to write some articles ? I would love to hear from you for our CMAE ‘Tribal Tuesday’ bulletin.

If you have 1 – 4 of the above ticked off then you are making a great start on taking care of your career

If you have 5 – 8 of the above ticked off then you are right on track for the next big move

If you have 9 + ticked off, you are a legend ! and deserve to get the job of your dreams….

If you have none ticked off, don’t panic, just set aside some quiet time for yourself and reflect on where you are today and where you want to go. You might find you are content with where you are.

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